This is not a duplicate, as it asks about file sharing between Ubuntu and Windows as well as Ubuntu and Ubuntu machines. Note the desktop has both Ubuntu and Windows. When it is booted to Ubuntu and the laptop has Ubuntu, you have Ubuntu to Ubuntu file sharing. – user68186 Sep 10 '17 at 20:57

Best Self-Hosted File-Sharing Solutions – Linux Hint Syncthing itself works on macOS, Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris, OpenBSD, Android, and iOS, enabling you to seamlessly access your files from virtually any device. 3. FileCloud. Designed with enterprise users in mind, FileCloud is a self-hosted file-sharing solution designed to be integrated with enterprise networks and storage. Linux Mint 19.2 "Tina" - Cinnamon (64-bit) - Linux Mint Linux Mint is free of charge (thanks to your donations and adverts on the website) and we hope you'll enjoy it. Some of the packages we distribute are under the GPL. If you want to access their source code you can use the apt-get source command. If you can't find what you're looking for please write to and we'll provide the

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2020-7-12 · Enabling remote desktop sharing (VNC) on Linux Mint 19 July 14, 2018 Tyler B God Damnit Linux , Linux Mint , Tutorial , Tyler B 46 As of Linux Mint 19 there is no longer a menu option for the old vino-preference screen which allowed you to enable remote desktop at the push of a button. Linux Mint 19 Free Download - File Horse 2020-7-22 Simple (local) file sharing - Manjaro Linux Forum

Best Self-Hosted File-Sharing Solutions – Linux Hint

How to install and configure samba setup in Linux mint To install and configure samba setup in Linux Mint 18.3. Samba is a suite of Unix application provide secure, stable and fast file and print service between cross-platform for Windows and Linux. The Samba is standard service of every Unix-like operating system. In this service using an SMA (Server Message Block), and CIFS (Common Internet File Linux Mint 19 基于 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS-电子发烧友网 2020-7-13 · Mint 20 Nemo File Manager Blue Color Theme Mint 20 Wallpapers Mint 20 Redesigned Gdebi Installer Mint 20 Warpinator Tool for Sharing Files on Local Network Mint 20 Terminal 升级到 Linux Mint 20:你需要知道什么? 如果你已经在使用 Linux Mint,你可以 May 05, 2020 · Another article about create network with Linux and Windows. But now you can read this about share files via Linux Mint to Windows 10 and Windows to 10 Linux Mint. This could be the final article about sharing files between Linux and Windows. Because this article going to cover file sharing on all Linux distro and Windows clients. Jul 03, 2017 · We’ve previously covered various ways to share files between nearby computers, but sharing between Windows and Linux can be a little more complex.This article will show you how to map shares across both operating systems for seamless file sharing. Sharing Files on Linux Mint - Use Nemo. the file browser provided by default in Linux Mint. Start Nemo, the file browser and navigate to a directory somewhere